1 thought on “SCRATCH MAP

  1. Hey Grant and Keith,

    Just checking to see whether you received my message I sent on Wednesday the 25th or not? We just wanted to let you know that due to the walk (in which you have blogged about) being on private land, and the fact that we have a license for this walk means that the public are not actually allowed to access this walk. This means that if anyone was to undertake this walk in which you have advertised on your blog, which is in fact our walk and our map, means that you are both liable for any incidents or fines in which might be incurred. We do not want to prevent people from adventuring into the incredible Tarkine, and there are many areas in which are open to the public but unfortunately this walk and area is not one of them. Can you please get in contact with us immediately so we can discuss your blog and the modifications in which will need to occur!

    Warm regards,
    Tarkine Trails

    0405 255 537

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